There are lenders that offer title loans online that do not require a physical car inspection. These types of loans typically have higher interest rates than other title loan options, and they may also require proof of income and vehicle insurance in order to get approved for the loan. These types of loans are not intended for long-term use, and the lender can repossess a borrower’s vehicle when the loan is not repaid in full.Find more :
Can I be on the loan but not the title?
The main requirements for getting a title loan without a credit check or inspection are a clean vehicle title, a valid state-issued driver’s license, and proof of income. Some lenders also need to verify that a borrower owns the vehicle and that it has no liens on it. Once these requirements are met, a borrower can usually receive the money they need to pay off outstanding bills within a few days.
In most cases, a lender that offers no inspection title loans will simply ask for pictures of the vehicle in order to determine its condition. This is a much faster process than an in-person car inspection, and it can save borrowers a lot of time. However, it is important to note that this type of title loan may have a lower maximum funding amount than one that requires an in-person car inspection. This is because the lender will be taking on more risk by not checking a person’s credit score and not seeing their vehicle in person, so they will often compensate for this by offering a smaller loan amount.